
JASDF's duties when we are in disaster...

We can't forget the 3.11 disaster...
I was also one who involved that tragedy.(I was in Ibaraki prefecture. The seismic intensity was 6.)
I could survive but the supply of water and erectricity were stopped.
However, Water was supplied immediately by JGSDF in my region, So I could have water to drink.
You saw a lot of scenes on TV in which the members of JSDF search for lost people, checking Fukushima nuclear powerplant or servicing bath at some stricken area.

Now I would like to introduce a lot of what JASDF did for us.
<The summary of their activities>
+supporting spraying water on nuclear power plants
+the number of people saved their lives: 3453
+the amount of supplies delivered: 3844.2t
and more...

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