

I like fighter planes. So that's why I decided to write about JASDF on this blog.
At the end of this blog, I introduce an opening movie which made me so excited and interested in fighter jets.
Thank you for reading!!


The Military Balance around JAPAN

No one hopes that a war break out. However, there are areas where a war or a battle has broken out or being tensed in the world.
Japan is surrounded by seas, so we are more likely to be attacked from the sea or the airspace than the ground.
Russia,China,DPRK....There are dangerous(in various meanings) countries around Japan.
Russia has Mig29series, Su-27 series, which are as strong as F-15series, and stealth fighters called T-50.

Please check out the video below.

By the way, F-X was decided at last. Japan has decided to introduce F-35s to make up F-4J's retirering.
Here is a picture of  F-35.
However, Is that stealth fignter jet delivered on time?? Please tell me if you know when they are delivered for Japan.


BLUE IMPULSE ~The Aerobatic Team~

There are many aerobatic teams in the world. They are belong to the airforces of their own countries, and display astonishing flignt techniques.
BLUE IMPULSE,which is belong to JASDF is one of  the best aerobatic teams in the world.
Their plane is T-4, which is a plane for practicing flight tequniques in Japan.
Anyway, watch this video.

If you would like to see BLUE IMPULSE more, you can buy DVDs on the Internet.


JASDF's duties when we are in disaster...

We can't forget the 3.11 disaster...
I was also one who involved that tragedy.(I was in Ibaraki prefecture. The seismic intensity was 6.)
I could survive but the supply of water and erectricity were stopped.
However, Water was supplied immediately by JGSDF in my region, So I could have water to drink.
You saw a lot of scenes on TV in which the members of JSDF search for lost people, checking Fukushima nuclear powerplant or servicing bath at some stricken area.

Now I would like to introduce a lot of what JASDF did for us.
<The summary of their activities>
+supporting spraying water on nuclear power plants
+the number of people saved their lives: 3453
+the amount of supplies delivered: 3844.2t
and more...


The daily duties of JASDF part2

Now, part2!!
Inspecting and servicing aircrafts and vehicles.

Managing runways and buildings of a base, or erectricities and boilar.

In charge of a medical checkup and a physical examination for JASDF's members.

Now,I would like to introduce the web manga which are useful to know not only JASDF but JSDF.(Sorry, only japanese~.)
"Jiei no oshigoto"(The Duties of JSDF)  auther : hitori
It is really interesting and useful to understand the organization of the JSDF. Why don't you read it?
On a personal note, I think the author hitori is the best coterie author: )